AI Chip Image

There's definitely an AI bandwagon at the moment on LinkedIn. Is AI another bubble of hype or is the tech really come of age ready to change (or destroy) the world.

More than twenty years after the dotcom bubble bursting, the internet is ubiquitous, and it's hard to imagine life without it. Is AI about to do the same or is its bubble about to burst, again.

AI + Besci New Technology Over Time

Where is AI on the Technology Hype Curve? (Source: Gartner)

Is AI the most important thing since the industrial revolution?

Although AI has been touted before as the most important thing since the industrial revolution, it does feel like its coming of age with Chat GPT, dancing robots and the Pope in a Puffer jacket. Deep fake images can already fool the human eye.

AI Technologies like BARD, Chat GPT and MidJourney have opened up numerous opportunities for businesses and brands to improve productivity, improve customer experiences, and even revolutionise entire industries. 

See how the adoption of Chat GPT has trounced the social media behemoths to 100 million users.

AI + Besci Chatgpt Time To Reach 100M Users

Time to reach 100M Users. (Source: UBS / Yahoo Finance)

We wrote about Chat GPT way back in January 2023: What is ChatGPT and how does it impact digital marketing?

4. The relationship between AI and behavioural science

As an ad man, I'm particularly interested in how AI can be useful in increasing the effectiveness of marketing and advertising campaigns. At Big Cat (or Leopard) we're really excited about how AI can help apply behavioural science principles to increase effectiveness in our advertising campaigns. By combining AI with BeSci businesses and brands of all sizes and shapes can improve their chances of creating more successful campaigns that resonate with their target audience, and create large business effects such as increasing profits, share of voice and market share.

Behavioural science is the study of human behaviour, and it encompasses a range of disciplines, including psychology, economics, sociology, and neuroscience. The principles of behavioural science can be applied to advertising campaigns to better understand and influence consumer behaviour and create creative campaigns that speak to their needs and desires.

I realise AI and Behavioural Science to advertising creates some serious ethical considerations. Since the subliminal advertisings scandal in the 60s behavioural science has take a bit of repetitional hit.

Example Of Subliminal Advertising

What connects AI, behavioural science, and advertising?

I discussed the ethical concerns of applied BeSci in advertising a couple of years ago with renowned behavioural science practitioner and author Richard Shotton in episode 3 of the Brand Workout podcast.

At Leopard we're testing how AI can be used ethically in combination with behavioural science principles to improve advertising campaigns by testing messaging, creative concepts, and audience profiles. As always effective marketing starts with strategy.

By analysing data such as conversion, website browsing behaviour, and social media engagement, AI algorithms can identify correlations and patterns that would be difficult for humans alone to detect. These insights can then be used in combination with nudges to create more effective advertising campaigns that are more likely to resonate with consumers.

AI can also be used to apply behavioural science to advertising campaigns through the use of predictive modelling. By using machine learning algorithms, businesses can predict consumer behaviour based on past behaviour and other variables.

Human Ai Equation (1)

This can help businesses create more targeted campaigns that speak to consumers' individual needs and preferences. For example, if a business can predict that a consumer is more likely to purchase a certain product, they can create an advertising campaign that specifically targets that consumer with that product.

AI can also be used to personalise advertising campaigns on a large scale. By using machine learning algorithms to analyse consumer data, businesses can create individualised ad campaigns that speak to the unique needs and desires of each consumer. This can help businesses create more effective campaigns that are more likely to result in conversions.

In addition to these applications, AI can also be used to improve the overall effectiveness of advertising campaigns. By using AI to optimise ad placement, businesses can ensure that their ads are reaching the right audience at the right time. AI can also be used to analyse ad performance and make adjustments in real-time, helping businesses to get the most out of their advertising budget.

In Conclusion

AI has the potential to revolutionise the way that businesses create and execute advertising campaigns. By using AI to apply the principles of behavioural science to advertising campaigns, businesses can create more effective campaigns that resonate with their target audience. As AI technology continues to improve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of AI in advertising campaigns in the years to come.

Want to learn more? Check out our blogs on BeSci, testing and creativity:


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