Developing a coordinated approach to maximise comms for BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK 


Discover how Leopard Co enhanced BNP Paribas Personal Finance UK's social media strategy, PR activities, and content development to boost their employer brand, CSR initiatives and B2B business lines. 


A subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, BNP Paribas Personal Finance (BNPPPF) is one of Europe’s leading consumer finance providers. Its UK business offers a full range of personal credit products to several leading consumer brands. We were tasked with developing the company’s social media strategy and content and third-party PR activities to more effectively support in the development of its employer brand, CSR initiatives and B2B business lines. This placed a key focus on big annual events such as Birmingham Young Professional of the Year, for which BNPPPF UK is headline sponsor, and Dallaglio RugbyWorks, for which the brand was founding partner in the West Midlands.  

While LinkedIn and website content was considered of primary importance, the brief also entailed local and trade-specific media titles, as well as digital work including SEO-optimised content. 


To achieve this, we developed a coordinated approach to maximise the comms for each part of the business. This was wrapped up in an annual plan supported by monthly editorial meetings, which enabled us to plan activities and make the most of major milestones such as Birmingham Young Professional of the Year and key Dallaglio RugbyWorks events, as well as meeting the developing needs of each of the individual B2B business lines.  

As part of our targeted approach, we split this activity between the three key focus areas – CSR, careers and the B2B product lines – with a weighting given to each one. This allowed us to shine a spotlight on the various areas of the business at key points in time, while maintaining a balanced output when it came to the content.  

We then devised a coordinated press and social media programme that supported this overarching plan, working with the various product managers across the business to determine their targets and goals on BNPPPF UK branded platforms and across third-party media.  

Using this content calendar as a springboard, we created monthly social media plans which showcased the expertise of the various business areas, whilst also focusing on their CSR activity and emphasising their commitment to being a sustainable, ethical and caring organisation. 

To reinforce this social activity and the overarching monthly themes, we also created original content for the business’s news page as well as working with each business line to strategically develop a list of key media targets and proactively reach out to contacts. 


The impact of our social media strategy was immediately evident, and within the first 12 months of working with BNP Paribas PF UK we increased average monthly LinkedIn impressions by more than 120%, and average monthly LinkedIn reactions by over 200%. This resulted in the UK business becoming the top performing contributor to the global BNP Paribas Personal Finance page. 

In addition, the company’s average monthly Twitter impressions and retweets both increased by nearly 500% within 12 months of activating the retainer.  

We also delivered campaigns around key events such as the launch of their partnership with the Dallaglio RugbyWorks charity. As part of this, we produced blogs for the news section of BNPPPF UK’s website, which routinely emerged as the most popular posts when shared on social and achieved blanket coverage in the local press. 

We’ve been working with Leopard Co for a couple of years on everything from our CSR activities, employer brand communications and content to engage our key audiences with our finance solutions. It’s a pleasure to work with the team at Leopard as they’re good listeners, understand our objectives and get what content will really cut through to drive results. They’re like an extension of our team and our collaborative way of working makes for great content as well as lots of creativity and fun along the way.
Jayne Licari Head of Brand & External Communications

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