
To support the acquisition of new customers signing up to the Give as you Live Online platform and drive brand awareness amongst consumers.

Give as you Live Online is a leading charitable platform that provides an easy way to raise free funds for charity just by shopping online. With over 6,000 retailers available including John Lewis & Partners, eBay and Argos, members can generate free donations for no extra cost to themselves.


We focused our approach on providing an always on press office approach where we responded to reactive and topical news opportunities within the consumer media. 

  • Popular topics we covered included smart spending, cost of living crisis and ways to support charities, with each of these enabling us to positively reinforce the multiple benefits of Give as you Live Online
  • Supporting the response to reactive opportunities, we proactively devised an original news story each quarter and pitched it out to our extensive database of consumer press contacts. However, to get national media attention we knew we our quarterly stories had to be engaging, so we utilised Give as you Live Online’s pool of insightful consumer data in our media collateral
  • In the first quarter, we created a Spend Trend Report — a comprehensive overview of consumer spending from April 2019 to April 2022 including forecasts for the remainder of the year
  • Spanning several categories including home and garden, travel and food, we packaged the report with a click-bait news release highlighting the key stats and tapped into the dominant topic of conversation — cost of living crisis
  • Our research showed that the cost of living crisis was impacting consumer attitudes towards charitable giving. This change in generosity and the feasibility of giving was adding financial pressures to the UK charity sector, so we used this as an opportunity to showcase Give as you Live Online as a free and easy solution. Using the media’s seemingly unquenchable thirst for survey stories, we generated key stats, including how 84% of UK shoppers revealed they are less likely to donate to charities during the economic turbulence
  • What’s more, in the leadup to Christmas, we tapped into the popular name trend across consumer publications and created a list of the top 20 charitable names in 2022 to spotlight those at the top of Santa’s nice list
  • In addition, we incorporated key messaging of how consumers can ‘give back’ to charities during their Christmas shopping for no extra cost to themselves, driving awareness of Give as you Live Online during a popular spending period


  • The client was delighted with our activity and expressed that the PR efforts have helped grow awareness of the brand
  • We secured coverage in a mixture of national and regional titles including the Metro, Daily Express, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Own and London Daily News

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