Learn how we secured a 95% audio completion rate for Burning Barn Rum’s digital audio ads.
To help cut through the bustling holiday season of December, Burning Barn Rum, an alcohol brand from the Midlands, encountered the significant challenge of differentiating itself to audiences in a saturated market.
We transformed this challenge into an opportunity by infusing the spirit of craftsmanship into Christmas for Burning Barn Rum, enhancing their brand awareness with a creative strategy that truly embodied the essence of the brand.
We planned a multi-channel strategy, promoting the limited edition coffee flavour through content creation and general brand awareness through digital audio advertising.
Strategy: Create FOMO by making Burning Barn Rum the must-have product for rum drinkers to buy and realise they’re missing out if they don’t buy one before they’re gone!
We created several pieces of content including cocktail making process, coffee week switch up, influencer vox pops and event round ups to utilise on social.
In addition to the engaging social content, we crafted a script for a digital audio ad.
Our script led to crafting a script that included characters like ‘Dave’ and our 'Genie' to establish a sense of place in a shop. We wove a creative, captivating story with dramatic intimacy.
We tapped into an industry insight – the market was brimming with mass-produced flavoured rum and stereotypical brand assets. Our approach, made the ad relatable, striking a chord, positioning Burning Barn Rum as an 'off-beat' brand.
We underscored their 'craft' credentials with the memorable tagline: 'Put Some Craft into Christmas.' We added a playful twist with 'Give Yourself a Pat on the Back, Not a Parrot on the Shoulder,' bringing charm and uniqueness to the campaign.
95.98% audio completion rate for digital audio ads
171,038 reach on social media