
Gowing WLG initiated a Customer Experience (CX) programme with all its employees. Being a large firm with many different types of employees – both fee-earning and support service staff, Gowling knew there were mixed thoughts, feelings and engagement towards CX, however they didn’t fully understand why.


We were tasked with understanding current barriers and motivations towards CX, starting with the use of the COM-B framework (see diagram below) that helped uncover the Capabilities, Opportunities and Motivations for the Behaviour to occur and attitudes to change.

Behavior Change Wheel Image Spelling Has Been Modified Based On Michie S Et Al 18

A qualitative research method was used to gain a deeper understanding of the attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of Gowling employees in relation to CX.

26 x 30 mins interviews were carried out with stakeholders across the business (lawyers, fee earners and support services) using an interview guide.


After conducting the stakeholder interviews, we analysed the data to first identify the key themes and patterns – see below. We then highlighted some of the main quotes from respondents and summarised each theme.

Workshop Resonance
Were the vision and the desired actions clear? 

Is this a good idea in the first place or what we really need, as an organisation? 

Communication Channel Chaos
What channels are best for CX communication? 

Expanding the Definition of Customer
How does CX apply in an internal role or when communicating with colleagues?

Key Influencers
Who are the most influential at what times? 

Recognition & Reward
What’s in it for me? 

A presentation of research findings was presented to the Gowling CX team and we are currently scoping out the interventions.