Culture Change.

Not everyone is engaged at work for the same reasons, and traditional people engagement strategies have attempted to impose an identity on their colleague community without recognising that there is huge diversity in what motivates people and how they behave. 

Poor engagement can lead to team dysfunction, quality issues and high team turnover, so organisations get massive payback by figuring out what will inspire colleagues to really buy into contributing to achieving organisational goals. 

Attempting to clone colleagues and impose that they all align around a narrow identity may not be successful and may well disengage colleagues who don’t want to feel forced to behave and act in a specific defined way.

Leopard 2

LEAP into culture change

In contrast, our approach is to centre on playing to the strengths of the colleague community, recognising that every colleague can contribute in their own way to achieve the organisation’s mission. The behaviours that need to be articulated to help organisations to fulfil this mission will vary, subject to role type, individual skills and motivations.

In response, we use the LEAP model. LEAP starts by defining the organisation's purpose, helping to lead the colleague community to understand how they can contribute and ensuring there is clarity of mission.

Through engagement, we inspire colleagues to understand how they can play their part, and then finally we create an Action Plan. This ensures that across the organisation, every colleague can clearly focus on the thing they can do within their skillset and capability, coupled with their own interests, to contribute to the overall mission achievement.

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Featured Case Studies

WMCA Brand Audit Banner
Brand audit recommendations for the WMCA

A comprehensive brand awareness strategy was created including audience profiling, mapping category entry points, defining brand purpose and narrative, and improving brand tracking. Channel recommendations were also provided for an integrated brand awareness campaign.

Orleans Smokehouse 3 (1)
Experience snapshot — our work with Orleans Smokehouse

Learn how our PR, Social Media, and Event Management experts helped Orleans Smokehouse achieve a sell-out launch week of bookings.

James Whale
Leveraging a celebrity to promote a men's health product

A compelling video featuring James Whale, a TV and Radio broadcaster with stage 4 kidney cancer, promoting IcleTest – a kit designed to trace invisible signs of blood in urine. The video was strategically edited for paid social channels and had a positive impact, resulting in 2.4 million impressions, 890k reach, and 1.2k purchases.

Culture Change Insights

Priscilla Du Preez Nf8xhlmmg0c Unsplash
  • Problem Solving
  • Behavioural Science
  • Cultural Change
Creating an inclusive team social event (that doesn’t centre around booze!)

Discover our top tips for creating inclusive, warm and welcoming team social events.

  • Strategy
  • Delivery
  • Operational change
  • Cultural Change
Five Gamechangers to Translate Strategy to Delivery

Hear from Operational and Culture Change Consultant Dulcie Swanston

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